L'équipe nationale algérienne de football a battu son homologue du Rwanda par 3 buts à 1!
Blida en liesse, s' est transformée en un coeur battant la chamade de tout le pays.
D' Algérie, aux quatre coins du monde, où les algériens vivent, hommes et femmes ont suivi avec passion, ce dernier match de l' équipe nationale, avant d' affronter l'Egypte le 14 novembre prochain.
Il lui reste maintenant à gagner au Caire, pour se qualifier au rendez-vous de la Coupe du Monde en Afrique du Sud, en juin 2010. Le défi est aussi grandiose que la volonté et l'espoir des algériens, quand on sait que depuis 24 ans, le pays était absent de cette rencontre mondiale du foot-ball.
Mais, il faut dire, que l' équipe algérienne aurait mérité son quatrième but si ce n' était l' irresponsabilité involontaire ou intentionnelle de l' arbitre guinéen...
Quant à moi, cédant à l' insistance de mes proches pour suivre d' un bout à l' autre ce match, pour cause de "mes vibrations bénéfiques" selon eux, je respire de soulagement, pour la victoire de l' équipe algérienne... et pour n' avoir pas démérité de "mes dons" supposés de porte-chance! ;-))
dimanche, octobre 11, 2009
To President Barack Hussein Obama, Nobel Laureate
Against the tide of critics I would like to simply say:
Congratulations Mr President for your Nobel Peace Prize!
And I must say that, this is one of the few times I agree with a decision of the Nobel Committee.
For sure you have not yet accomplished all what you aimed for. Nevertheless, what is important, is that you already put an end to the atmosphere of lies, hatred, rigging and moral decay in which the USA has indulged into during the last 8 years.
Moreover, you have raised hopes that from now on the USA will
- fight for Justice & Peace.
- try and eliminate social disparities and differences.
My utmost wish is that you never forget the Rights of the Palestinian People.
Imposing a just and durable peace in Palestine wil take you down to History as a
real man of peace.
Otherwise, you will be just another politician; one American butcher more of the likes of your predecessor at the White House.
Congratulations Mr President for your Nobel Peace Prize!
And I must say that, this is one of the few times I agree with a decision of the Nobel Committee.
For sure you have not yet accomplished all what you aimed for. Nevertheless, what is important, is that you already put an end to the atmosphere of lies, hatred, rigging and moral decay in which the USA has indulged into during the last 8 years.
Moreover, you have raised hopes that from now on the USA will
- fight for Justice & Peace.
- try and eliminate social disparities and differences.
My utmost wish is that you never forget the Rights of the Palestinian People.
Imposing a just and durable peace in Palestine wil take you down to History as a
real man of peace.
Otherwise, you will be just another politician; one American butcher more of the likes of your predecessor at the White House.
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